Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My version of an assembly line

Piecing is a fairly time consuming process so I try to be as efficient as possible.  One way I do this is to cut out multiple pieces of fabric at a time.  With the fabrics ironed and laid out around my studio, I'll make my selections and place the appropriate piece of freezer paper template on the chosen fabric.
When I've made all the selections I can feel confident making, I'll take each fabric and iron on all the template pieces for that particular fabric.  Then I'll go to
 the next fabric, laying it over the previous one on the ironing board, and repeat the process.
Then I can take each piece of fabric off the ironing board, one at a time, and trace and cut out my fabrics.  And the best part? Pinning the fabric pieces to the design wall! 


  1. Linda thank you very much for sharing this knowledge!
    It's amazing how you do your projects step by step. And I want to add it's a mystery for me how you sketch a picture into many-many small pieces!

  2. Your process is so detail oriented. I would love to see your studio and see how you keep track of all those little pieces. It occurs to me that you could quilt as you go so you don't have to stuff the whole piece under the machine. I watched the video you did for Quilters Newsletter about commissions - well done! I will watch the other one later. I love your work, Linda.

  3. Excitedly watching this one unfold. The fabrics are intriguing me. Another masterpiece in the making.
